【Informations sur la diffusion】 »Tokyo Whiskey 2024″ supervised by Takao Mori (Nagahama Distillery)

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Nagahama Distillery

”Tokyo Whiskey 2024″ supervised by Takao Mori, the owner of MORI BAR, one of Japan’s leading bartenders, will be released from Nagahama Distillery on October 11 (Friday).

Mr. Mori is known for his legendary Mori Martini. The martini made with BOODLES gin in the freezer is famous. He is a leading bartender in the Japanese bar industry.

Mr. Mori supervised the production of the whiskey « Tokyo Whiskey 2024. How does it taste?

The details of its release are still unknown, but it will probably be available for purchase from the official online store of Nagahama Distillery. We recommend those who wish to purchase to check the details.


Tokyo Whiskey 2024


Distillery Comments & Tasting Notes

This whisky is a blend of single malt non-peated sherry cask aged whisky from Nagahama Distillery, Mizunara cask aged whisky, 30 year old malt distilled in 1990, and malt distilled in 1996, which were purchased from overseas. We hope you will enjoy to your heart’s content the multi-layered flavor of the blend of these various types of malt, the deep flavor brought about by the sense of maturity, and the malty aftertaste.

The furoshiki cloth included in the package was established in 1615 during the early Edo period. The furoshiki cloth included in the package was manufactured by Eirakuya, Japan’s oldest cotton cloth merchant in Kyoto, which was founded in 1615 in the early Edo period and is engaged in the manufacture and sale of tenugui hand towels and furoshiki cloth. The design of this furoshiki incorporates the image of Kyoto, Nagahama in Shiga Prefecture, and Tokyo. We hope you enjoy « Tokyo Whiskey » with this design.

Tasting Notes

A sparkling amber color. Floral aroma. An ethereal aroma reminiscent of green apples and pears. From the middle, vanilla and honey derived from oak aroma. Spicy cinnamon-like accents spread pleasantly. Smooth mouthfeel. Rum raisin-like richness. Woody and oaky. Oriental and floral finish.

Reference: « Tokyo Whiskey 2024 » supervised by Takao Mori to be released on October 11, 2024 (Fri.) | Press Release by Nagahama Romantic Beer Co.

1-2. Product Specifications

Product name Tokyo Whiskey 2024
Sake type Blended malt whiskey
Ingredients Malt
Cask Type Single malt non-peat sherry cask-aged malt from Nagahama distillery, Quercus crispula cask-aged malt, 30-year-old malt from overseas distilled in 1990, malt from 1996, etc. Total of 7 kinds of malt
Number of bottles 3,000 bottles
Degree 50% (50%)
Price 33,000 yen (tax included)

2. Distillery Introduction

Nagahama Distillery

Address 14-1 Asahi-cho, Nagahama-shi, Shiga 526-0056
Start of operation November 1, 2016 (Heisei 28)

Nagahama Distillery, one of the smallest distilleries in Japan, is located in the northern part of Lake Biwa in Shiga Prefecture and has both a craft beer brewery and a restaurant. Few distilleries, including major whiskey distilleries, have restaurants attached to them, and when it comes to craft whiskey distilleries, they are very rare.

The unique shape of the pot stills installed in the distillery reminds us of the very origin of whiskey making.
Nagahama Distillery was originally a rice warehouse from the Edo period (1603-1868), and began making beer in 1996. Later, in 2016, facilities for whiskey production were installed. The building has a vaulted ceiling, with a saccharification tank and distiller on the first floor, and a grinder and fermentation tank on the second floor.
There are two pot stills for first distillation and one for redistillation, and the heating system is an alambic type pot still shaped like an indirect steam gourd, a pot still often used for distilling brandy. This alambic type pot still is a rare type of distiller in Japan. The feature of this distiller is that it has the advantage of producing clear, soft liquor with little miscellaneous taste.

Trial and error was repeated between the establishment of the company and the present. Major changes include a change in the malt mash ratio and a change in fermentation time, which was initially 60 hours but is now 72 hours. After that, distillation was done while adjusting the fermentation time in order to create different types of original sake. The number of distillers was increased from two to three. When the distillery was founded, the first distillation kettle was 1,000 liters and the second distillation kettle was 500 liters, but the second distillation kettle was also replaced, and all three distillation kettles were unified to 1,000 liters. The rest of the redistillation kettles are almost never cleaned, following the example of Scottish distilleries. We have made many changes since our establishment until now.

Nevertheless, the spirit of the concept « one brew, one barrel » has remained unchanged and they continue to make whiskey.

Reference: Whiskey|Nagahama Romantic Beer


Enfin : Livres recommandés sur le whisky japonais

Si vous voulez en savoir plus sur le whisky japonais, qui est une tendance mondiale, nous vous recommandons vivement ces livres.

(1). Le whisky japonais, un enseignement pour les affaires

Il s’agit d’un livre écrit par Mamoru Tsuchiya, critique de whisky de renommée mondiale et représentant de l’Institut de recherche sur la culture du whisky, intitulé  » Le whisky japonais comme une culture qui fonctionne pour les affaires « 
Ce livre aborde les bases du whisky, l’introduction du whisky au Japon, la naissance du whisky japonais, les stratégies publicitaires et l’essor du whisky japonais, ainsi que l’essor actuel des distilleries artisanales. C’est un livre qui résume le whisky japonais d’une manière très facile à comprendre.

(2). Le whisky et moi (Masataka Taketsuru)

Masataka Taketsuru, le fondateur de Nikka Whisky, a consacré sa vie à la fabrication du whisky au Japon. Il s’agit d’une version révisée et réimprimée de l’autobiographie d’un homme qui aimait simplement le whisky et parlait de lui. Le livre dépeint de manière vivante l’époque où, jeune homme, il est parti seul en Écosse pour étudier et a surmonté de nombreuses épreuves pour achever le whisky japonais, ainsi que sa compagne, Rita.

(3). Une lettre de défi d’une distillerie de nouvelle génération

Lancement en 2019. Alors que le monde connaît un boom sans précédent du whisky, à quoi pensaient les dirigeants de distilleries artisanales en relevant le défi de fabriquer du whisky ? Ce livre raconte l’histoire de 13 propriétaires de distilleries artisanales, dont Ichiro Akuto de Venture whisky, célèbre pour son malt Ichirose, qui a inspiré la naissance des distilleries artisanales au Japon.

(4). Whiskey Rising

Il s’agit de la version japonaise de Whisky Risng, publié aux États-Unis en 2016, avec un contenu très actualisé. Non seulement il décrit en détail l’histoire du whisky japonais, mais il inclut également des données sur toutes les distilleries du Japon, y compris les distilleries artisanales qui ont été fondées ces dernières années. Le livre comprend également des descriptions des bouteilles légendaires qui sont sorties, ainsi que des informations sur les bars où l’on peut trouver du whisky japonais.

Ryuhei Oishi

né à Hokkaido. Barman au bar Shinkai Toranomon,
A travaillé dans un restaurant à Tokyo et s'est qualifié comme sommelier auprès de l'Association des sommeliers du Japon.
Il s'est intéressé au whisky japonais, qu'il connaissait peu, et a commencé à travailler au bar Shinkai. Elle a rejoint la JWD afin de visiter des distilleries, de parler aux personnes qui fabriquent le whisky et de transmettre leur passion et leurs informations en tant que barmaid.

Ryuhei Oishiをフォローする